
Average score 579 Reviews
yichen wei noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The casserole and duck cake are delicious (Original) 砂锅和烤鸭饼很好吃

1 month ago
anne fang noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The boss is very nice. I like the beef casserole and family photos~ (Original) 老板人非常好,喜欢牛肉砂锅和全家福~

1 month ago
Tiffy Tseng noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The taro paste duck cake is very delicious! Must order! The quantity of the casserole is quite large, but the taste is a bit bland and the beef fat is a bit lacking, but there should not be a lot of MSG. The boss and shop assistants are very friendly and gentle. The pickled radish and fungus as an appetizer are also delicious. Overall, a very cute and authentic Chinese restaurant. (Original) 芋泥鴨餅非常好吃!一定要點! 砂鍋量很足,味道有點淡,肥牛有點少,不過味精應該沒放很多 老闆跟店員都非常友善溫柔 醃蘿波跟前菜木耳也都很好吃 整體來說很可愛也蠻道地的一家中餐館

1 month ago
hao zhuang noted on Google

(Translated by Google) very nice (Original) 很不错

1 month ago
莫瀚扬 noted on Google

1 month ago
Fei Xia noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Great food and service (Original) 很赞的食物和服务

1 month ago
zixuan xiao noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Super delicious, highly recommended! (Original) 超级好吃,超级推荐!

1 month ago
李星瑶 noted on Google

1 month ago
chenshuo li noted on Google

1 month ago
DING ZIYING noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious. Highly recommended for potato flour. (Original) 好吃 土豆粉强推

1 month ago

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