
Average score 737 Reviews
Pierre-Yves Curtet noted on Google

1 day ago
samuel hautecoeur noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Traditional restaurant, excellent dishes, I recommend! (Original) Restaurant traditionnelle, Plats excellent, je recommande !

1 day ago
Zhuolin WU noted on Google

1 day ago
Hongjun Huang noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious😋I’ve eaten it many times and it’s still delicious! (Original) 好吃😋吃了好多次还是好吃!

1 day ago
白秀美 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice little restaurant, unfortunately I chose my dish wrong, I took a hot casserole with beef (plain broth and thin homemade noodles) but I didn't like the broth. It tasted umami, earth, seaweed and mushroom (and I don't like everything). The beef was passable, some ends were good, others had lots of mini bones, or rubbery fat. (There weren't many pieces of meat) But I believe in their potential! I had chosen my meal poorly based on my tastes! I plan to go back there to taste something else! (Ps: the chicken ravioli was very good, although they only serve 3) (Original) Petit restaurant sympa, malheureusement j'ai mal choisis mon plat, j'ai pris une cocotte chaude avec viande de bœuf (bouillon nature et nouille maison fines) mais je n'ai pas aimé le bouillon. Il avait un goût umami, terre, algue et champignon (et j'aime pas tu tout). La viande de bœuf était passable, certains bouts étaient bon, d'autre avaient pleins de mini os, ou de gras caoutchouteux. (Il y avait pas beaucoup de morceaux de viande) Mais je crois en leur potentiel! J'avais mal choisis mon repas en fonction de mes goûts! Je compte bien y retourner pour goûter autre chose! (Ps: les raviolis au poulet étaient bien bon, bienque ils n'en servent que 3)

1 day ago
Chris noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good and homemade! I recommend! (Original) Très bon et fait maison ! Je recommande !

2 days ago
gabriel bigatti noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I enjoyed it, it was great (Original) Je me suis régalé c’était super

2 days ago
Virgile Rambure noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It was really good thank you (Original) C’était super bon merci

2 days ago
Sam Kyid noted on Google

2 days ago
王雨妍 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious and cheap! ! ! Highly recommended! Satisfy the Chinese stomach! (Original) 好吃又便宜!!!强推!满足中国胃!

2 days ago

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